Hitchens Case Study: Sustainable Living with Solar Power in East Sussex

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Hitchens Case Study: A Journey Towards Sustainable Living

The Hitchens family, based in postcode TN22 in East Sussex, were looking for a practical and sustainable solution to reduce their energy costs and carbon footprint.

They reached out to us at My Home Solar, and we were delighted to guide them on their journey towards greener living. We conducted an initial survey of their property to assess its suitability for a solar installation. Their roof had an optimal orientation and was large enough to accommodate the system they needed. After thorough consultation and planning, we installed the following components:

1 x Emlite 1-PH Generation Meter

A reliable device to measure the electricity produced by the solar panels.

1 x SPH 3600 Hybrid Inverter

An efficient inverter to convert the DC power generated by the solar panels into AC power for use in the home.

Mounting System
Schletter PV Panel Mounting system

A durable mounting system designed to securely hold the solar panels on the roof.

Solar Panel
10 Energizer 390w PV Solar Panels

High-efficiency solar panels to harness the power of the sun and convert it into electricity.

1 x Growatt 3.3kw Battery

A robust storage solution to save any excess energy produced during the day for use when the sun isn't shining.

Our team of certified installers ensured the components were installed correctly and safely. The installation was completed within the promised timeframe, without any unexpected hitches or delays.The Hitchens family now enjoy a significant reduction in their energy bills. They generate a considerable portion of their energy needs from their solar system, further reducing their dependence on the grid. The Growatt 3.3kw Battery stores excess energy, ensuring they have a reliable power source even during periods of less sunlight. Moreover, they’ve made a valuable contribution to reducing their environmental impact. By harnessing solar energy, they’re reducing their carbon footprint and promoting sustainable practices.

The Hitchens family were delighted with the outcome. They appreciated our professional approach, the quality of the installation, and the performance of the system.

“We couldn’t be happier with the installation process and the results. The team from My Home Solar was professional, efficient, and very helpful throughout. We’re enjoying lower energy bills, and it feels great to be doing our part for the environment.”

Hitchens Family, East Sussex

At My Home Solar, we’re proud to have been part of the Hitchens family’s journey towards sustainability. We continue to offer them our full support and maintenance services, ensuring their solar system provides them with ongoing savings and peace of mind.