MyHomeSolar Presents: Octopus Flux Tariff 

Harness the power of the sun like never before with Octopus Flux energy tariff.

A revolutionary energy tariff, Octopus Flux is tailored exclusively for homeowners with solar and battery systems. Dive deeper and discover how Octopus Flux can supercharge your renewable energy journey while significantly reducing your energy bills! So if you have Solar Panels and a battery already this could be the tariff for you, if you don’t have solar yet then request a quote today.

Octopus Energy

What type of energy tariff is Octopus Flux?

Octopus Flux is not just any regular energy tariff. Designed meticulously for solar panel and storage owners, it’s a unique three-rate combination tariff. By consolidating your import and smart export guarantee tariffs into one, Octopus Flux offers flexibility that aligns with the dynamic wholesale energy market. So, when Octopus’ flexible tariff witnesses a change, Octopus Flux will follow suit. 

How does Octopus Flux work?

Unlock the potential of your solar energy system with Octopus Flux. Here’s how it optimizes your energy consumption and savings: 

Super Cheap Rates: Between 02:00 – 05:00 every day, benefit from highly discounted rates. This is the ideal time to juice up your battery, and if you own an Electric Vehicle, charge it up too. 
Peak Rate: From 16:00 – 19:00, you are introduced to the peak rate. Make the most of this window by discharging your battery and selling your surplus energy back to the grid. 
Flat Day Rate: All other times of the day are covered by a standard flat day rate.

Remember, Octopus Flux and Electric Vehicles are a match made in heaven!

Octopus Energy Octopus Flux

How do I sign up for Octopus Flux?

To embark on this sustainable journey with Octopus Flux, ensure you have: 

Solar panels. 
A smart meter

If you’re a UK homeowner or business owner eager to leverage this innovative energy tariff, consider getting a free solar panel quote from MyHomeSolar’s award-winning team. Begin your solar adventure with us! 

Get a Free Quote

Getting a solar panel installed from MyHomeSolar using Octopus Flux

Make your renewable energy dreams come true with MyHomeSolar. We make it seamless to integrate Octopus Flux into your solar panel setup. Remember, having solar panels is a prerequisite for Octopus Flux, but they needn’t be installed by us. However, if you don’t use MyHomeSolar then you must ensure that the installer is part of MCS and that you are provided by an MCS certificate as you will need the certificate to get Octopus Flux. 

10 FAQ’s about Octopus FLUX Tariff 

Embrace a brighter, sustainable future with Octopus Flux and MyHomeSolar. The sun is shining, and the future looks green!